Our advocacy visit was conducted to the office of the Chief Medical Advisory Committee (CMAC) of UNIOSUN Teaching Hospital Osogbo, (formerly known as Lautech Teaching Hospital) in person of Dr. Babatunde A. Afolabi (MB, BS, FWACP, MFMCFM) and Mrs. Olayiwola Asifat (HOD of Medical Social Services Department).
The visit was conducted to create a synergetic relationship in ensuring sustainable and timely intervention as most of the organization’s medical cases are being referred to the teaching hospital.
We had the opportunity of discussing Kiitan Foundation’s growth process and achieved milestones with CMAC. They have pledged their support for our humanitarian and medical outreach in the future at different locations accessible.
We aim to expand our reach concerning the work that we do to different ministries, this is how we can reach the beneficiaries the right way. We do not take for granted the smallest pat in the back on meeting daily set objectives of our foundation neither do we ever forget our sponsors’ support in meeting the beneficiaries halfway through.

A beneficiary of our Find Me project designed to help patients at hospitals who are unable to pay their medical bills.

Kiitan Foundation advocacy team and the Chief Medical Advisory Committee (CMAC) of UNIOSUN Teaching Hospital Osogbo, Dr. Babatunde A. Afolabi (MB, BS, FWACP, MFMCFM) and Mrs. Olayiwola, Asifat (HOD social works department)