We are so happy to share with you how awesome the event went. Our dreams are unravelling one at a time. Even as the rainy season gas started in the soup kitchen brought a lot of smiles and warmness from the beneficiaries to our hearts.
Excerpts from the public relations’ office:
Millions of Nigerians struggle to feed their families daily. Our goal is to end hunger and alleviate poverty across the nation, one community at a time through structured food intervention.
June 19th, 2020
Our team and volunteers took off from Ibadan in the morning and arrived at Ede North after 2 hours spent on the road. We met with one of the community leaders who redirected us to an area to set up our soup kitchen stands. We were informed that some areas did not benefit from the last outreach and would be helpful to target them instead.
At about 11:15 am we begun serving food to the beneficiaries with the help of security officers who were charged with maintaining orderliness and discourage chaos amongst them.
We’re happy to tell you that we were able to cater to over 300 individuals from children, adults, the elderly, petty traders, and the homeless. A meal was provided to everyone that turned up with no discrimination towards them.
We hope and plan to do more and serve more people at our next soup kitchen outreach. This was made possible by our donors, their kindness has been sustaining us to reach more goals every time we lend a helping hand out there.
The purpose of this soup kitchen is to reduce the impact of poverty and improve the quality of life through targeted servings of nutritious meals in communities we visit. See all pictures from the outreach here.